About us

At the heart of UCA lies a passionate commitment to highlight the multifaceted Uzbek culture - a profound blend of history, art, music, cuisine, and so much more. As the crossroads of the Silk Road, Uzbekistan has long been a melting pot of cultures and civilizations. We strive to reflect this heritage and diversity in our wide range of activities and events, fostering an environment where curiosity thrives, and connections deepen.

Registan, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan

To inspire individuals of all backgrounds to explore the unique blend of history, arts, and traditions that Uzbek culture offers, thereby promoting intercultural harmony and unity.

“Culture is the flower of the human being, the fruit of his mind, and when it dies the human moves away from his humanity, he ceases to be man.”

— Hamza Hakimzade Niyazi, an Uzbek poet, composer, and playwright.

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